Recent Publications

. Opportunities for Optimism in Contended Main-Memory Multicore Transactions. VLDB ‘20, 2020.


. Closing the Performance Gap Between Volatile and Persistent Key-Value Stores Using Cross-Referencing Logs. ATC ‘18, 2018.


. Persistent Memory Transactions. ATC ‘17, 2017.

PDF Poster

. Software systems for advanced memory technologies. Harvard Univeristy PhD Qualifications Exam Thesis, 2016.


. Type-aware transactions for faster concurrent code. EuroSys ‘16, 2016.

PDF Code Project

. Real Semantics: Capturing Floating-point Imprecision. NENS ‘15, 2015.

PDF Code Poster

Recent & Upcoming Talks

On main-memory multicore transaction performance
Oct 28, 2019 5:00 PM
Improving optimistic concurrency control
Dec 7, 2017 9:00 AM


STO Project

Software Transactional Objects, a fast in-memory general-purpose transaction framework


CS 61, Fall 2018, Harvard College

I was the Head Teaching Fellow (TF) of CS 61 (Systems Programming and Machine Organization) in Fall 2018. The course instructor was my advisor Prof. Kohler.

CS 61, Fall 2015, Harvard College

I was a TF of CS 61 in Fall 2015. The course was taught by Prof. Margo Seltzer.
